
On May 13, 2015, NICE Systems announced that it is leading an initiative to create a global recording standard for the emerging communication channel Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC). NICE believes that WebRTC will become a major enabler for enterprises, and they are working with other key market players to finalize a standard on how to provide secure, compliant recording for multi-channel WebRTC sessions, which include audio, video, screen-sharing and additional proprietary information.

About NICE

NICE Systems (NASDAQ: NICE) is a worldwide provider of software solutions that enable organizations to take the next best action in order to improve customer experience and business results, ensure compliance, fight financial crime, and safeguard people and assets. NICE’s solutions empower organizations to capture, analyze, and apply, in real time, insights from both structured and unstructured Big Data. This data comes from multiple sources, including phone calls, mobile apps, emails, chat, social media, video, and transactions.

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You can find more information about the NICE’s announcement on their blog.

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